The ABCs of schooltime

School can be an exciting time for both kids and parents. And there are many things to help make your child's school experience as normal and safe as possible.

Blood drop and school supplies icon.

Choosing the right school for your child

When you're choosing a school for your child with a bleeding disorder, research, planning, and asking questions are essential. And then there's mentally preparing yourself for sending them off to school and entrusting your child to another set of capable hands.1

Children studying in a classroom.

Before selecting a school

To help you make a confident school selection and help you build faith in the school staff, ask these 4 questions2:

Certificate icon.

Is the staff well trained?
Are they educated or willing to learn about how to deal with bleeding disorders?

Group icon.

How large are the group sizes?
Smaller groups mean more attention for your child. For example, for kids under 2 years old, 1 staff person per 3 children is recommended, and for kids 5–6 years old, 1 staff person plus a teacher's aide per 20 children is ideal.

Teacher icon.

How are the staff interacting with the children?
Look for interest, respect, patience, and warmth.

School icon.

Does the school provide a healthy and safe environment?
Make sure the program is licensed by the state and see if they can store and administer your child's medication, if necessary.

Local bleeding disorders organizations, hemophilia treatment centers (HTCs), or your healthcare provider can provide information packets and train school personnel about bleeding disorders and your child's needs.1

Before the first day of school

While seeing your child with a bleeding disorder succeed comes with its own unique set of challenges and obstacles, there are a few things you can do proactively before their first day:

  • Setting up meetings with your child's teachers, school nurse, and administrator is recommended. This can help ensure they know your child with a bleeding disorder is under their supervision.1

  • Have your child's doctor provide written information on bleeding disorders to help the school understand and be ready to act, if necessary.1

  • Teach the school staff the difference between an external cut and an internal bleed. An injury to the head, neck, or abdomen constitutes a 9-1-1 emergency.1

  • Give the school a printed plan for immediate treatment instructions using R.I.C.E. (rest, ice, compression, elevation) and factor infusion.2 Provide them with a copy of the National Hemophilia Foundation (NHF)'s sports and exercise guide: Playing It Safe.

  • Ensure your child wears a medical ID bracelet and carries an ID card with up-to-date emergency contact information.3

Keep exploring

Woman jogging on a trail.

Living an active lifestyle with a bleeding disorder

Woman selecting books in a library.

Access bleeding disorder resources

Man reading on a tablet.

Connect with a Community
Education Specialist

  1. McIntosh P. Back to school. HemAware. https‌:‌//‌www‌.hemoph‌iliafed‌.‌org‌/‌uploads/‌Back-‌to-‌School_‌Hemaware‌.pdf. Published 2006. Accessed February 11, 2023.
  2. Steinhart B and Fung EH for the National Hemophilia Foundation Mission. The child with a bleeding disorder: Guidelines for finding childcare. https‌:‌//‌www.‌hemophilia‌.org‌/sites‌/default‌/files‌/document/‌files/‌guidelinesforfindingchildcare‌.pdf. Accessed March 20, 2023.
  3. National Hemophilia Foundation. Steps for living: emergency preparedness. https‌:‌//‌stepsforliving‌.hemophilia‌.org‌/‌step-up‌/treatment/‌emergency-‌preparedness. Accessed February 11, 2023.