Treating bleeding disorders with inhibitors

Inhibitors stop factor replacement treatment from working. So, when a person has a bleeding disorder with inhibitors, it's harder to prevent and stop bleeding. Fortunately, several treatment options are available today, and research for more is ongoing.1

Considerations for inhibitor treatment1

Because inhibitors prevent factor replacement therapy from working, further treatment is individualized based on your inhibitor level and your lifestyle.

A blood test is used to measure how much inhibitor is present. The level of inhibitor is called a titer.

  • A high titer means you have more inhibitor present in the blood compared to a person with a low titer
  • A low titer is more likely to lead to a shorter and more successful inhibitor treatment
Doctor checking the blood pressure of the patient.

Individualizing treatment1

Some inhibitors, called “transient” inhibitors, may disappear on their own, without treatment, but others won’t. Treatment for people who have an inhibitor is complex and requires specialized expertise.

For people with low-titer inhibitors

  • High-dose replacement factor: Higher amounts or increased frequency of factor to overcome the inhibitor and also form a blood clot

For people with high-titer inhibitors

  • Bypassing agents: Treatments that bypass the factors that are blocked by the inhibitor to help the body form a normal clot. Close monitoring of people taking bypassing agents is important to make sure that their blood is not clotting too much or clotting in the wrong places in the body

As long as you have a positive outlook, you can continue to fight whatever challenges you face.

–Amalia, Takeda COMMUNITY education specialist

Keep exploring

Nurse checking on the patient.

Talking to your doctor about inhibitors

Woman making a list on a clipboard.

Use the inhibitor discussion guide with your doctor

Man reading on a tablet.

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  1. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Inhibitors and hemophilia. 2020. Accessed February 16, 2023.